Lux desert retreat with relaxed vibe in sunny Arizona
Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort / Scottsdale / AZ / USA
The Sanctuary… Can you imagine a more appealing name for a desert retreat? I can’t so when we were on a roadtrip through the south western part of the US and were heading towards Phoenix/Scottsdale the pick of hotel was an easy one. And we were not disappointed.
The Sanctuary is located on the hillside of Camelback Mountain, on the outskirts of Scottsdale with panoramic views of the surroundings. In a way it is not accurate to call this a hotel. It is more like a retreat spread over 53 acres with several different villas connected by walk ways surrounded by (to us northerners) very exotic desert plants. I am taken aback every time I see these big cacti. So surreal!
The interior design is an interesting combo of mid-century and desert tones. I know, it sounds like an odd combo but it really works. The clean, geometric features marries well with the muted colors, inspired by natural elements from the surroundings.
This is a place where you check in and then you just stay put. There is absolute no need to leave because you have everything you can potentially need within arms reach: a lovely pool area, great food, beautiful surroundings. And if you don’t trust me, ask Queen B. Apparently this is where Beyoncé and Jay-Z came to for their honeymoon. That kind of says it all.
Walking through the resort you can experience the combo of mid-century elements combined with the typical desert colors.
One of the many pathways snaking through the lush resort with the beautiful Camelback mountain in the background.
One of the many beautiful villas.
The interior of our room had a very Palm Spring, mid-century look that seem to work well in desert settings.
Our super fancy looking bathroom. Those tiles!
M on his way to the pool are to cool off.
The pool area had a Middle Eastern look to it.
My favorite time of the day when the sun was setting and the temperatures returned to more normal for us. And the light at dusk is always a hit.
Out hiking in the surroundings next to the hotel. This is so exotic to us northerners.
RG inside info
This place is perfect if you…
…like to pampered. If you like to experience the finer things in life. The staff of the Sanctuary are ready to take care of your every need. And all of this happens in the most stunning surroundings.
My favorite thing about this place…
…has to be the pool area. We came here in July and it was around 50 C. The warmest I have ever experienced. So to be able to have this great pool to cool of in was beyond needed. And it looks good too.
What not to miss when staying here…
…is to go for a hike on Camelback mountain (I know, I said there was no need to leave the resort, but this is worth it. And it is just around the corner). Beautiful colors and scenery. Remember to bring water!
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