Traditional log hotel set in scenic Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful Inn / Yellowstone / WY / USA
Ever since I was a kid I’ve had a longing to go to Yellowstone National Park. I am not even sure when I first heard about this amazing place but I just remember that I have had a longing for a long time. So when I finally had the chance to go, I knew I wanted to find a place to stay somewhere in the park. Luckily there are several options but one that really stood out to me, the Old Faithful Inn.
It sits right next to one of the main attractions of the park, that has also given the hotel its name, the geyser Old Faithful, that was discovered back in 1870 and given this name due to the regular and frequent eruptions.
When you approach the hotel I almost felt like I was driving up towards the Overlook Hotel from classic movie The Shining starring a young Jack Nicholson. The hotel was built in 1903-1904 with local materials, mainly logs and stone. It is a truly impressive feeling when you enter the atrium in the main hall and look up at the ceiling and the 4 mezzanine levels above your head. This together with the massive fireplace will make any jaw drop.
All in all there are 329 rooms and since this is the most popular hotel to stay at in the park the prizes are steep (at least in my book). We are talking around 500 USD for a double room during peak season in July. If you really want to stay here you can get away with a somewhat lower room cost if you opt for one of the rooms without private bath. Then we are talking somewhere around 250 USD during the same period). Trust me when I say that It could be worth sharing a bathroom to stay at this amazing hotel.
The Old Faithful Inn is located in the amazing Yellowstone National Park. This park is huge and is sitting on the border between Montana and Wyoming.
The first thing that hit me when approaching the hotel was how it reminded me of the Overlook Hotel in the classic movie The Shining with Jack Nicholson.
The hotel is all made out of wood. It was such an impressive feeling to enter the lobby area and almost falling backwards when looking up at the ceiling.
This is so beautiful! I love how the wood has been used as is and not been cut to perfection. Makes the interior come alive and makes it even more beautiful with the tactile curves.
Ok, not all is made out of wood. Wouldn’t that have been interesting. I love the classic, vintage look of the common bathrooms.
The massive entrance of the hotel during sunset.
The main attraction next to the hotel. The geyser that has given the hotel its name, Old Faithful.
This is a hotel where you don’t want to stay in. Yellowstone has so much to offer and the nature and wildlife is beyond.
Just look at the colors of this hot spring. Nature at its best.
So much beauty. Some brutal and dramatic.
The nature in the park is so diverse. Endless fields, forest, lakes, mountains and deep canyons.
This little fellow was accompanying us on our drive through the park.
Best thing with jet lag is that it is easy to get out of bed in the morning. If these sights alone wouldn’t do the job.
M taking advantage of the early morning to explore some of the dramatic hot springs.
RG inside info
This place is perfect if you…
…want to get the full Yellowstone Park experience (and you are ok with spending a fairly large sum to do so). To get to stay in the middle of the park, surrounded by the most amazing nature, in this old cabin style hotel is a real treat.
My favorite thing about this place…
…is that they offer rooms without bathrooms which makes this option available for more people than only the ones with a thicker wallet. There are also campsites belonging to the inn if that is your thing. These will only set you back around 30 USD per night.
What not to miss when staying here is…
…to use every waken minute to explore the park. There is so much do see and every site is nothing but jawdroppingly gorgeous. I recommend to set the alarm early (or stay out late) and spend time outside when the wild life is most active. And you also get many of the sites to yourself which is a treat in itself.
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