200 hotels and counting
It feels big and at the same time a little crazy that I have just posted my 200th hotel.
While reaching this mile stone I decided to go back to my first posts to see if something had happened with my content since I started and I can tell you that it sure has. I realized that I was very stingy in the beginning when it comes to the amount of photos I included in each post. After having done two blog panels with a group of avid readers since the start, it has come to my attention that the photos are the most important thing. it is not only that they should look great but also that there are many of them. So when I realized how few photos the first posts had I decided to add some more. It feels extra good to do this since it is some of my favorite hotels that were posted right at the launch of the blog (you want to make sure you set the bar on the right level from the get go) and they deserve to be shown in all of their glory. You can click on the 15 different photos below if you want to revisit some of them now when there are additional enticing photos to look at.

Another thing that has changed according to the husband M is that the flow of photos, or storyline if you will, is on a different level now. I can see what he means. In the beginning I basically just chose a handful of beautiful photos and uploaded them randomly. Now I try to think of some kind of logical order, almost like you can follow our stay at all these hotels, from arrival to departure. I hope you like this development.
Thanks for all the great comments and positive feedback you keep sending me. This makes me all warm and fuzzy to read. I hope you will continue to stick around as I continue to explore new, unique hotels.