Friends of RG: Tanja
Friends of RG: Tanja
Tanja is a LA resident since many years but she is a southern girl through and through. Southern as in South Sweden, that is. After all those years living in California her “Skåne” accent is still solid as a rock. RG and Tanja first met at a LA fitness convention many years ago but became really close friends when Tanja and her husband Jack (who she is inappropriately feeling up in the photo below) temporarily set down roots in Stockholm. And just like RG, Tanja is a true hotel-fanatic.
What hotel were you staying at when you first realised that you were a hotel-fanatic?
I’ve always loved all things beautiful, especially when they have their own personal touch. The first time I went to what would become my favorite hotel, Korakia in Palm Springs, I realized that a hotel could be a destination. Palm Springs is not some exotic favorite to me, although I’ve been there so many times because of Korakia.
What kind of hotels do you usually go for?
Beautiful, personal touch, small and comfortable. I love unique hotel breakfasts!
What has been your most memorable hotel stay thus far? And why?
Ooooh… that’s a difficult question… Me and my husband stayed at a place called Il Mulino di Praiano once. It was an old mill turned hotel on the Amalfi cost, and it was absolutely lovely. There were parts of the mill left in our room, and the balcony had a magnificent view of the Mediterranean.
3 of your musts when staying at a hotel?
There has to be something unique about it, a comfortable bed and great breakfast. And excellent coffee - of course!
If you have stayed at any of the hotels featured on SbRG, which one is your favourite?
In my dreams I’ve tried several of the SbRG hotels, but in real life I have only tried two. One is the Hotel Le Sud in Juan Les Pins, South of France, and it was all the things: unique, comfy good breakfast. And by the way, I’m making it a thing to ONLY go to SbRG hotels from now on. :-)
Which of the featured hotels on Selected by RG are on the top of your wish list to stay at?
It’s a very difficult choice, but I’m trying to bribe my husband so that we can go to Juvet Landscape Hotel in Norway.
This is a photo from Juvet Landscape Hotel, that Tanja is dreaming of visiting. Soon!
Are there any hotels you think should be featured on Selected by RG in the future?
I’m hoping to stumble upon one soon that Mr RG hasn’t already found and stayed at.
Tanja with husband Jack during a hike in Griffith Park, LA.